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Old Wed Jan 24, 2007, 11:10pm
scarolinablue scarolinablue is offline
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Location: Upstate SC
Posts: 152
Pay difference plate vs. base

Getting back on topic, and to address Rich's question about the pay difference, I can't say I've honestly ever heard a reason for the difference. I'm in my 5th year of HS ball, and it's been that way since I've been in this region, and I think all of SC is that way as well. Nobody seems to mind or complain, to my knowledge. My guess is it came about in SC mainly due to the fact you are the UIC and have to wear the gear for the game. But, it is an interesting question, and I'm inclined to try to find the answer. I'm not going to dispute that both umpires are equally crucial to a successfully called game - they are. In all other ball in this area, the rate is the same for either plate or bases, so that also adds evidence to the fact the difference is probably directed by the SC High School League.

In my region, at least, most schedules are pretty balanced - that is, you'll typically get an equal number of plate games and base games, so it tends to balance out, which is probably why nobody minds the difference. Now, I do now some guys who are excellent plate men who tend to do more plate games, but mainly as a result of their skill, not demanding more plate time for the extra bucks. Honestly, the more experienced guys in my association tend to not want to do the plate games to avoid the wear and tear on the knees.
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