Wed Jan 24, 2007, 08:15pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Not completely true. I really don't have any contempt for the SEC. I just found it kinda hilarious that it turned out that we were being lectured by a 19-year old college student who had gone to a camp, had a few middle school games under his belt, and had never officiated at the high school level, Frosh, JV or otherwise. He kept insisting that the SEC was the be-all and the end-all though.
Here's where it started:
Look at the feet
Look for a post by refTN at 8:05pm.
From there, it kinda just evolved into a running joke amongst a whole bunch of us.
And, having said that, I hope that refTN is still officiating, is learning with experience, and that someday I might be watching him do an SEC game on tv.
When I was 19, I thought I knew everything too. It's kinda amazing that I've seemed to get stoopider every year since then. 
Who's...wait for it...Chuck Elias?