Originally Posted by mcrowder
Wow... "May be tough to get on a varsity crew in your 2nd year" being called out as MORE difficult than the rest of the state.
Where Murph is coming from, there are a good number of good 3rd or even 4th year guys not on crews. And some decent 5th year guys too. It's almost unheard of for a 2nd year guy to be on a crew in Texas. Work varsity games? Yes, if you're really good and really connected... but as a fill in, not as part of a crew.
Makes me want to move to Kansas! 
It all depends on what part of Texas you are in. In my area, it's unheard of for a 2nd and 3rd year to NOT be working varsity. I do know what you are saying. I have heard of some 10 year guys only getting 2 or 3 varsity games in a season. In fact, I spoke to some at a clinic once in which they had twice as many years as me, but I had twice as many varsity games than they did.