My comment "if it looked like R1 or R2 was a possible out and the interference was judged deliberate" would mean one or both were advancing, not holding their bases. So, if it's a possible out by R1 or R2. would it be interference to prevent a DP?
Doesn't the rule say the batter is out when hitting an Infield(er) Fly, meaning at the moment it is struck? While I agree that does not make sense, for reasons like it has to be fair and the analogy to a non-IFR fly which must be caught; is that an issue?
In the example of whether F4 had time to catch the ball, isn't that implied by the IFR definition part about caught by an infielder?
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.