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Old Tue Jan 23, 2007, 01:14pm
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Wichita, KS
Posts: 945
Thanks for the heads-up shave-tail.

I am in Wichita. We have a pretty large group of officials in this area. One of the previous emails mentioned the contact info with the state and this in an area which you may want to work with soon. Returning officials must register each year prior to May to avoid a penalty but, as is your case, new to the state officials can register on the night of the rules meeting in August. One draw back is that this is a bit late to make inroads to current crews. However with this upcoming year being your second year it may be difficult, but not at all impossible, to get on a varsity crew in this area. Some areas of the state are really lacking for officials but that really isn't the case in Wichita.

My suggestion is to begin by becoming a member of our local officials association as soon as you get to town. It is $20 a year and you will develop contacts that way. Finding the varsity crews that have openings is much easier this way and also coming in contact with local officials who assign crews to sub-varsity games. You can work any day of the week around here if you really want to. Go to and check out what is there. It is run by a basketball guy and hasn't been updated in a while but it is a start. Otherwise you can send me a private message and I can see about getting you in contact with the right people to start.

You will have to forget some of what you learned last year because of the different rules but I haven't seen too much problem with that with other Texas guys coming here.

Welcome to town Murph.
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