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Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 10:37pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by SamIAm
I am with you on this one Cameron. I suspect everyone else is as well they just are not at the same threshhold. ie. A1 receives pass in front of you, then starts walking across the court with ball up against his chest directly away from you where you can't see the ball. Most everyone here would call travelling even though they can't see a player possessing the ball and moving his pivot foot. But we all know what has occurred.
Originally Posted by Jurassic
I disagree with that statement completely. Competent officials who know the rules will NOT call a travel without being able to see the ball. It's the other kind that will.
I had this happen to me in GV district play-off game last year (3-man). I (in slot) didn't see the ball but the girl ran 3 steps without dribbling as soon as she caught the ball so I called a travel (play was in my primary, going away from me, of course). We go in to locker room at halftime and I bring up the play saying I couldn't believe the girl just started running with the ball, and my partner who was in the lead says "Oh, she didn't walk, the defender had the ball trapped against her chest." Of course, I'm like "WTF!!!, why didn't you come to me with that information?"

Never did get a clear answer to that question but taught me a lesson about calling something I don't see.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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