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Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 08:55pm
HawkeyeCubP HawkeyeCubP is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
How can a player be attempting to force a ball through the basket with his hand(s) when he doesn't have a ball?

'Splain that one to me, Batman.
The situation is this:

A player attempting to dunk, ball in hand, at a specific point in time -- who then no longer has the ball, but is now at the basket, a split-second later.

You assert that the grabbing of the rim associated with a normal dunking motion - that begins with a dunking attempt - and follow-through in this split-second later is a separate and punishable act in violation of 10-3-4.

I assert that this grabbing is not a separate act.

We simply disagree.

So is what I posted in post #18 accurate, as far as your ruling in that situation?
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