A few more
Just a few more to add to Glen list
As for directions remember
Upthere= North
When you pull into the ballpark parking lot dont worry about all those trucks with the rifles hanging we only use them for hunting. Its the pistol carry that is legal in Texas that you need to worry about
Make sure you know how to properly use the word "aint" it is a regualar part of the vocabulary here
Wouldnt hurt to know spanish and be ready to eat Mexican food. Would recommend a bottle of Pepo at least
You will know when you enter Texas is when you see no more Indians you have left Oklahoma and see all the big cowboy hats you have enter Texas. There is also a Red River that divides.
When you see a 3 million dollar house whose neighbor lives in a trailer house than you know your in Texas
In Texas being called a "Redneck" is a compliment
That all for now