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Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 01:55pm
amcginthy amcginthy is offline
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Posts: 35
Originally Posted by PYRef
I can understand maybe making someone sit because of their grades if it is a school sanctioned team, but this? Most schools have academic stop lists for players that aren't doing well.
Why is it your responsibility to prepare these kids for their future? That's what the parents are for. If I was paying for my kid to play/learn basketball, I wouldn't be too pleased either if you were imposing requirements on them that have nothing to do with the game.
Not trying to be harsh. I just don't see the significance.
1. You have to be intelligent to play basketball on my team - if not, your lost! If you can't manage to get a "B" in Social Studies, then chances are, you won't be able to manage the concepts that I want you to learn on the court - also, if you can't manage to get a "B", then basketball practice 4 nights a week plus weekend games, shouldn't be your priority (imho)

2. It's not like I surprised anyone - this is something that is on a players contract signed the first day of tryouts - I'm not forcing anyone to play on my team.

3. And being responsible for you grades has EVERYTHING to do with the game. My girls know that basketball is a privelage - not a right - they have to work hard to play on my team. When they get to college - they'll be able to handle whatever a coach throws at them and get good grades at the same time. You are exactly right, I don't have to do what I do - it is the parent's job - but more reinforcement can't hurt.

4. Although a few parents didn't like the idea from the start - when their children's grades improved, they then thought it was a great policy!!
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