Originally Posted by rockyroad
More power to him!! I always applaud situations like this where someone sets high standards for the youth of our country...!
Very well said, I concur completely and for what coach Poole's doing too. A signed contract that he makes the parents sign, not a bad idea. Obviously, they are having problems in this area and he is attempting to get control of it. Believe me when I say this will make our job easier, more on this later.
Originally Posted by BillyMac
Later, when I was near the player's coach, the coach thanked me for giving his player a technical, and that maybe this would straighten out his bad attitude. Also, later, while I was near a sideline, an adult, who identified herself as the player's mother, also thanked me for giving her son a technical foul, because he could be real stubborn at times, even at home.
This is the very reason why I applaud the coach who attempts to solve his problems before they reach the court. So much is expected of officials. They now want us to solve their kids behavior problems.
But what burns me more than anything else is when some of us say giving a player a T is going to make them a better person in life. Playing a game of bball is not the same as problems you have in your everyday life and we really need to backup off of that. It's ridiculous. It's just a game. If someone is a bad person on the floor doesn't mean they are a bad person in life or vice-versa. Also, administrators, coaches, and parents need to get their players (or staff personal) straighten out before they reach the floor. Quit putting this burden on the officials to straighten out in the games.
Case in point, I'm working a girls HS game and the home team coach is trying to start a riot. I'm trying to get thru the game without accessing a T, I'm working with it. Games just about other, close game. I go talk to the A/D on a injury timeout, and I ask, why is this person coaching? She's out of line. He tells me to give her a T and that will give him the ammunition he needs to get rid of her. Now the A/D knows this coach is OOL, but it's now my problem. Now I got to deal with her crazy azz in this game. How about you take care of business before I get here, and all I got to do is worry about refereeing the game.
Just my 2 cents....