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Old Sun Jan 21, 2007, 11:18am
dan74 dan74 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 71
Morning-Late Bloomers United (yes, Jurassic, the board has approved your membership)

Someone mentioned that it gets better. I agree. I had a good week. First, I took my time. Second, I called what I saw, rather than second guess myself all night. Third, all the coaches were composed and seemed like they've been coaching the game for a while.

Question: When working two person and at the trail, with the ball being controlled by A1 in your area (front court), where do you look. I had a partner tell me that he thought I was looking to low, which I quite possibly am, as I'm trying to see traveling.

Do ya's look at an area; waist of ball handler/defender; lower, like towards the feet. My parter said he looks at an area-he said about shoulder high but can also see the feet for any traveling calls.
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