Well my spin on this is as I have played ball since a kid and have managed all levels thru American Legion including H/S (As an assit.)
During the pre game if the timimg is correct as in a manager may ask some questions about a previous call or what ever, I will tell him that I don't have a problem with him asking for an explaination about a call as long as it doesn't get in the way of the game and it's handled with respect. Now this situation does not allways come up so usally it happens during the game and I will respond depending on how the coach comes to me.
I believe that a good spirted disagreement is part of the game and that I should be able to manage it correctly and not let it get out of hand. Now if a coach comes running out of the dugout acting like Lou Pinnela he will have a very short leash as in a simple answer "Hey coach I was in postion and I saw the play" thats it and if he continues to push he will get a very clear warning that the conversation is over.
Now the problem is what happens when perhaps you got caught out of postion or missed the call and you have questiond your call in your own mind and the coach comes out and there is no doubt what his intentions are. Now we all try and keep these events down to a minimum if any at all but it does happen. Now depending on the relationship you have with your partner and the type of play it was and if the coach ask's with respect if we could ask for help I might ask for help. But no matter what happens never let them see you sweat. Even if you blew it and everyone knows you did, let him say his peace and end it, this is part of the game as far as I'm concerned. None of this applies to balls and strikes.