CTblue, here is where we differ.
I don't say that I'm not willing to discuss judgement calls. What I am unwilling to do is to take abuse, delay the game or be made a fool of, not for any reason or type of call. So, if a coach is willing to calmly ask a few questions, and/or get his point across, and then let it go, I don't have a problem with it.
Now, how does an umpire let the coaches know that he is unwilling to be walked on? I think the way he carries himself, a quiet confidence, looking and acting the part, goes a long way. You don't announce at pregame..." Hey, I'm not going to discuss judgement calls", at least I don't.
As previously stated, if you are working a state championship level game, there is an assumption that you have the skills to manage the game and the participants in the game.
Bob P.
We are stewards of baseball. Our customers aren't schools or coaches or conferences. Our customer is the game itself.