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Old Wed Sep 06, 2000, 03:52am
Warren Willson Warren Willson is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 561

Originally posted by Jim Mills:
Gosh, Warren, it's not always easy to tell when that is the case! See, e.g., OBR 5.11, which, as I recall, generated disagreement even among the recognized experts despite the clear and unambiguous language of the rule.

There was considerable support for waiting for the batter to be set in the box before making the ball live again, not the least of which came from JEA. Even though Evans qualified his advice there as personal opinion, many give it authoritative weight equal to any other interpretation he gives in JEA.

So, for those of us without all the sources owned by the internet experts, and further with no way to obtain them, "no controversy over the reading" is sometimes just a matter of opinion.


Thanks for the "me too".

Now as to the rest of your post I'd like to make a few points:

1. I think Carl, Jim and I have each been around long enough to be able to tell the difference between an apparently "clear and unambiguous" passage, and one which really is an absolutely "clear and unambiguous" passage. I'm sure each of us would really relish any opportunity to expose the pitfalls in the former, and abhor the need to keep repeating "look it up" for the latter.

2. This is a forum for officials ONLY, and as such it would be unusual to be fielding questions from posters who did not at least have access to a rule book for the league they call. Each of us would therefore quite reasonably expect the enquirer to have read the rule in question for themselves before asking their questions.

3. It should be noted that OBR 5.11 is the ONLY rule on which Evans offers his declared "personal opinion". In EVERY other case he either refrains from offering any opinion or interpretation, or simply states the extant "Professional Interpretation" of the rule. The case you quoted [OBR 5.11] is therefore quite unique. That is why, with the specific exception of this one "personal opinion", what Evans states should be taken not as "opinion" at all, but rather as an "official interpretation for professional leagues".

I am flattered that in your response to another poster you appear to give my own opinions equal weight with those of Mr Evans. Let me make it absolutely clear, however, that I would NEVER disagree with Mr Evans "official interpretation for professional leagues". On the specific question of game management though, Mr Evans' "personal opinion" as an experienced umpire in the highest professional leagues may not be quite as valid as mine, or Carl's or Jim Porter's when it is translated for use in many amateur and semi-professional leagues.

The bottom line is, Jim, that the intending poster really doesn't have to worry about how his or her question will be received provided he or she has made a reasonable effort to find an answer for themselves. If in doubt - ASK. If the effort is fruitless it will always help the atmosphere to include the sources canvassed, so we know that the effort was made. With the voluntary code of conduct that is enforced in this forum, it is highly unlikely anyone who makes at least a minimal effort will be offended by the responses.

Warren Willson
Member and Co-Moderator, UT

[This message has been edited by Warren Willson (edited September 06, 2000).]
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