Originally Posted by RPatrino
As I read the question again, I noticed that the question referenced a complete half inning had passed. A trick question.....shame..shame....
That's why I'm confused. The Batting out of order happened when B5 bats in place of B4. He grounds out and thus ends the top of the sixth. The question then states that "The bottom of the sixth inning is then completed. While the home team is warming up and before the start of the top of the next inning, the home team coach appeals that B5 batted out of turn."
So a whole half inning is completed. How do you as the UIC allow the coach to appeal this?
If this situation happened to me, I would not allow the appeal, but if the coach wants to protest the game, I would note it and make sure the official scorer is aware of the protest and continue the game.
I don't have the 2007 NCAA book yet, was there a change to the appeal rule?