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Old Tue Jan 16, 2007, 03:00pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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So the FT is missed in all cases, then here are my opinions:
A. POI throw-in for Team B with 1.2 on the clock.
B. POI throw-in for Team A with 1.2 on the clock.

In both A and B, if is clear that the rebound did not take the full 1.2 seconds to secure, thus the clock must have started early in an obvious timing error. Since there is no definite knowledge of how much time to remove, the full 1.2 must be put back.

C. The 4th quarter is over and overtime will be played.

This action could well have taken 1.2 seconds. There is no obvious timing error here.

D. The sounding of the quarter ending horn makes the ball dead as soon as the try is missed, despite the fact that it was sounded in error. Since the ball became dead before either team could obtain a rebound, the only choice is to go to the AP arrow and award that team the POI throw-in with 1.2 seconds on the clock.
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