"Varsity baseball must be outrageous here."
I wouldn't mind if they were a little bit more outrageous!
The Ohio central district pay rates compare with what others have posted for nearby midwestern states and other Ohio regions. I suspect that is as much due to the economics of the region rather than any issues of umpire availability or competence.
Generally, things cost more on the left and right coasts. The cost for sports officials there reflects that.
Compensation varies depending on which school district or league you're dealing with. We have a dozen different school districts in our area. Columbus city schools proper offer the lowest pay, while the suburban and private schools offer a bit more.
Here are high and low 2006 rates (I haven't yet seen the 2007 rate schedule):
(Low end) Columbus City League: $40 varsity (two man), $30 for JV and Middle School games, which are all one man.
(High end) OCC League (Pickerington, Gahanna, Reynoldsburg, etc.): $48 varsity, $39 JV, Freshmen and Middle School $35 (all of these are two man games).
All of the other leagues fall within this range, with most being closer to the high-end.
Last edited by BretMan; Tue Jan 16, 2007 at 11:35am.