Here ya go:
In Oregon for 2007:
6A-5A-4A Varsity Fee $48.00
6A-5A-4A Sub Varsity Fee $36.00
3A-2A-1A Varsity Fee $43.25
3A-2A-1A Sub Varsity Fee $32.50
Two officials are required at the varsity level.
One umpire may be used in an emergency situation only.
Sub-Varsity: Two officials should be assigned but one official may be assigned at a rate of 1-1/3rd the “per official fee” rounded up to nearest $ .50 cents.
Mileage is paid from a predetermined start point round trip at .35 per mile.
All games 7 innings and there is no discount for doubleheaders.
State Championship Sub rounds pay $53.00
State Championship Final Game pays $58.00
These games also pay mileage (overnight accomodations for State Championship Game Umpires).
One Rule ~ One Interpretation ~ One Mechanic