What do you say? Girls varstiy game, home team is bad and coach knows it. I am at "C", visitors shoot about three times and keep getting rebound, lane is really congested but they are all just standing there, third shot "L" calls foul on A1 (home) across the lane on the shot (more my call, but). I thought there was little or no contact and didn't affect the shooter if there was, I am right in front of the coach while he reports the foul. He says in a nice way, "awww come on, that's pretty picky there, don't you think?", I don't bite. Next trip down, I am at "L" and his girl goes stumbling in and looses the ball in the lane, turnover, no call. As I come back in his area he is saying "their getting that call down there, why aren't we". I just gave him a look and said "nothing there, coach". This goes on all game, the last straw was with 3 minutes to go, his team down by 30, A3 rejects a shot, literally does get all ball, and same guy calls her for a foul, I am "T" and step out of the way so he can report and the coach says to me "hey, that guy's got a great set of eyes on him, ya know". I had to laugh, I really wanted to remind him not to get our names mixed up, but passed on that.