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Old Sun Jan 14, 2007, 03:35pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
I don't go into a game being prepared for the worst. To me it then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Every coach is assumed to be a professional, adult person until he/she proves otherwise.
I will say comment on what you just said. In the game where I had the first time situation for me, going into this game I had T'd up the coach on the home team the last game I had him. Every time I have had this coach he was been bordering on being a complete azz but never did anything that crossed the line or exceeded my tolerance level or the level of my partners. I have had this coach several times over the past 3 years either being assigned in this conference or in a tournament we both attend. I even told this coach "Every time I work your games, you are complaining at me and that needs to stop." Even the last game I had him he was an angel most of the game but he was losing in the second half and his kids were getting out of hand and he made a smart azz comment and I had enough. So going into this I told my partners of my history with this coach and let them know they might have to help me out because I did not want to be put into a situation where I was going after this coach.

On the other hand the visiting coach has a very bad reputation of getting out of hand and getting T'd up by many officials. I personally have never had a problem with him in the two previous games I officiated for him and my partners and I talked about him as well. So we talked about that extensively in our pre-game and it showed how things were addressed when the game was a nut cutter and we were calling a lot of fouls against both teams in very critical situations. We were on top of most blow-ups from the coach. I agree that we do not want to penalize a coach because they have been a jerk in the past, but you need to be aware if they have a pattern of behavior that might affect judgments on when or when not to T them later in the game.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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