Originally Posted by swkansasref
My thoughts exactly.
This is also my first year certified doing hs ball. I just keep focused on the game and tune out the fans and their comments. If a coach has a question regarding a foul or something, then I will address him/her. However, if he/she is just griping about a call then I brush it off and move on with the game.
Just keep your mind on the game, you're going to miss some things, especially with a two man crew, you're not going to see EVERYTHING. But, just call the games to the best of your ability and you'll be okay. Just remember, one team is always going to be upset with what you call.
My thoughts, too. I've worked 2 games this year at the varsity level where it was the first game of one of our crew working 3-person. It does not benefit the crew or the game to hang the "rookie" out to dry. They each did a fine job, BTW.
I started working basketball a month after my 18th birthday, the first season in my area with the 3-pointer. This is season #20, although in my 5th year in Wisconsin I still feel like an outsider in a way.
I couldn't imagine being a new official now, although I recruited 2 experienced officials to my football crew and they are the best 3rd and 4th year football officials I've ever seen. Unless I take up volleyball or something like that, I don't think I'll have to worry about it.