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Old Sat Jan 13, 2007, 01:06am
Time2Ref Time2Ref is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 163
LOL. As Homer Simson would say...."Its funny 'cause its true"

I am also new, and believe me brother, "I feel your pain". Sometimes, I think the verterans don't remember how painful it can be.

Its part of the game. You study the rules, you learn the mechanics......then you need experience.

Another memorable saying:
You can't be good unless you have experience. Experience is learning from your mistakes. You can't learn from your mistakes unless you make mistakes. (or something like that)

So, for now, our job is to go out there and make mistakes. LOL.

It might help if you look at it this way:

I am new, so I am working the lower levels. I am trying to learn out there and I'm going to make some mistakes. When I get better, I will be working Varsity.

The players at the lower levels are new. They are trying to learn and they will be making mistakes. If they were better, they would be playing at the Varsity level.

It just follows that......The coaches at the lower levels are new. They are tyring to learn and they WILL be MAKING MISTAKES. If they were better, they would be coaching at the Varsity level.

If the fans were any good, they would be on the floor. They will never learn, but they will continue to make mistakes. (in reality, its a few, vocal, bad apples making the rest of the crowd look bad. Ignore them)

So, in a nutshell. The whole gym is full of people making mistakes. Get used to it. It comes with the territory.

Also, it helps when you work with a veteran that remembers how was to be new. It won't always happen. Sometimes, you get a jerk for a partner like you had that "throws you under the bus".

The leader of my association put it this way. There are basically four types of officials working the lower levels:
a) New officials working there way up the ladder
b) Veteran officials who are "giving back" to the game. (helping newer officials & schools)
c) Older officials who have been to the top and are slowing down in there career. (slowing down, but still good)
d) Older officials who NEVER DID and NEVER WILL make it to higher levels.

Sounds like you got one from catagory D.

Hang in there. Learn from EVERY game. NEVER listen to the crowd. After each game, write notes about your game. Note things you did right and things you did wrong. Pick out TWO things that you did wrong. Concentrate on getting those two things right the next game. Work on them until you get them right. Go to the next two things on your list and work on them until you get them right. Listen to veteran officials, don't waste their time explaining why you did something wrong. Just listen to what they say. After a while, you will learn which category they fall into. Listen to all. Immediately forget what officials from category D tell you. LOL.

Don't forget to come to the forums to learn QUITE a BIT about the rules and situations. (Don't forget to apply the above paragraph to the forums........Uh, names, you have to figure out who is who.....LOL)

Have faith in YOURSELF and your PARTNER. You can do it. It won't be easy, but it WILL be worth it.

One last thing. NEVER throw your partner or ANY official "under the bus". That includes making comments about the calls being made on the floor of the game you are watching.

Enjoy the experience you are gaining now. Never forget how it feels to be new. So, when you become a veteran, you will help newer officials.

AND NEVER FORGET: Have fun out there.
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