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Old Sat Jan 13, 2007, 12:31am
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Adam Adam is offline
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Sounds like your partner hung you out to dry in the pregame. He may have had good intentions, but it's none of the coach's business how much experience you have (or how much he has, for that matter). There's no reason to give the coaches your resume before the game.

Now, he's told them that he's slumming and you're green. He set you up without even trying (I'm being charitable here).

Coach screams at you like that, it's worthy of a T. At this point for you, though, you have to decide how much of the griping you can handle. To keep your focus, you probably want to stop it early by telling the coach politely but firmly that you're not going to tolerate the officiating from the bench. If you have to, give him the T and you'll likely have a much quieter game from that point forward.
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