By this time in the season most coaches and players have heard it all but I stress sportsmanship, coaches maintaining the box, ask coaches if players are legally equipped, and tell players that we will not tolerate taunting, baiting, etc. The only other thing I will add is if we have anything strange at this gym (for example, coaches box lines are different colors because the lines also are used for another court).
Of everyhting I say, I ALWAYS ensure I tell the coaches to stay in their box at all times. I say this because our state director told us of an incident in a football game a couple of years ago where an official ran a coach over moving down the field. The coach was on the field and was hurt pretty bad when the official ran him over. The coach sued the official over his injuries. Since I heard that I always make sure I tell them to stay in the box. This way, I figure, if I ever run one over they can't sue me. That's probably pretty stupid and I have never ran into a coach on the floor, but it makes me feel better.