We've all been there....
Well, I think we've all been with a newer official time to time and had to kind of "expand our primary" to make sure the game is called correctly. I am in charge of assigning officials for our local subchapter so I always put brand new officials with me to let them relax and instruct as much as I can without sacrificing the integrity of the game. In this case, traveling (as some of you will echo) is MUCH easier to see the further away you are. In my pregames I give my official(s) full leeway in getting a travel in front of me because I tell them I will do it to them if it is blatant enough. This includes and up through NCAA!! I guess it depends...that's how I handle it though. I would've called the travel. THEN talked to him/her about it. That way you aren't sacrificing the integrity of the game for instructional purposes.