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Old Wed Feb 06, 2002, 05:34pm
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
certified Hot Mom tester
Join Date: Aug 1999
Location: only in my own mind, such as it is
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Since my main motivation at my advanced age is not to "move up" but to have fun and get exercise, my general philosophy is that if you disagree with the way a rule indicates a certain play should be called, work to change the rule. I routinely call PC fouls directly under the basket, because that's the way the NF wants it called, and until they tell me different, that's the way I will continue to call it.

Am I saying you cannot use good game management techniques and adjust your calls to grade level? Of course not. I'm saying put fairness to the kids first. They deserve their games (and they are their games)to be interpreted according to the rules, not a philosophy that is contrary to the rules because a particular official believes that's the way for him to "move up". And shame on those higher-ups that reward that behavior.

OK - off my soapbox for today (so far, anyway).

Yom HaShoah
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