I'm very simple outline
1) players and coaches greet each other (if they haven't done it when the get there)
2) i introduce the officials
3) respect the game, yourselves, opponents, and the officials (sportsmanship talk)
4) Coaches --> Players legally equipped?
5) I tell each team to put the ball in the hole!!!! It makes their game, the officials game, and the coaches very happy.
6) ask my partners if they have anything to add
But seriously, unless certain markings or circumstances (homecoming or extra half time festivities), are needed to be discussed, then I don't say much. I try to say less. Players aren't paying attention, coaches don't seem to care. Since we are mid way thru the season, if they don't know about the coaches box, earings, tucking your shirt in, etc, etc,. that's their problem they should.