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Old Fri Jan 12, 2007, 09:19am
Ignats75 Ignats75 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Lakewood, Ohio
Posts: 718
Captains meeting without coaches at 8:00. (After the book and table are addressed at 12:00).


Boundry lines and obstructions (i.e. ground rules)

"Ladies or Gentlemen, yo have been selected as captains for your leadership ability. Please address your teammate's sportsmanship issues so we don't have to. If the ball rolls away during a deadball, please have one of your players get it as you're a lot younger than we are and that will keep the game moving.

Ladies (or Gentlemen), I have four rules to basketball. Respect the game. Respect your opponent. Respect the Officials and Have Fun. (If its a girls team I haven't had before, I'll also tell them to not hang on the rim when they dunk. Its usually good for a giggle) Good Luck."

Coaches Meeting at 3:00
(Each team separately)


"Coach, is your team properly equipped and ready to play?

Give me an immediate signal of what you want for a time out. If I don't get a signal, I will automatically give you a full.

The coach's box is marked, but if you're not talking to me, I'm not looking at you.

FInally, its a point of emphasis this year that the teams must be breaking their huddle on the second horn. When you hear the warning horn, please wrap it up so there aren't any delays or problems. Good Luck."

Last edited by Ignats75; Fri Jan 12, 2007 at 09:21am.
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