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Old Wed Feb 06, 2002, 04:12pm
stripes stripes is offline
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Originally posted by rainmaker

This is the point, and very well stated. Many, many people who read this board are in their first few years of officiating, and are not D1 or pro refs. Most of our assignors are not going to approve of the kinds of decisions that crew makes.

It is not hard to read between the lines a little and see that crew works at a very high level, and that he must be a very good ref, or he would not have gotten where he is today.

I do not disagree with what he says, as long as he makes it clear that it probably won't work for most of us. I could never get away with the judgements he makes. But it's fine for him. But I can't let him make blanket statements that sound as though they apply to every ref in every situation, when in fact most of us would be badly damaged in our careers to adopt his practices.

When I am in the D1 (as I hope to be some day) I will pay a lot more attention to what crew says. In the meantime, what I hear from my assignors and evaluators and clinicians goes totally opposite to what crew says. I have a feeling that most people on this board are in the same boat I am, with lots of Jr Hi and HS games and not much else. crew should be encouraging the up-coming officials to work to their local standards and not try to impose outside philosophies where they are not welcome.

I am no longer calling the "lower levels" of basketball, but my philosophy on calling the game has not changed a lot since I started. I looked at where I wanted to be and started calling the game they way that they did. Not all of my partners agreed with what I did or why, but I have risen thru the ranks and I have done it fairly quickly.

I don't believe that my career has been damamged in any way by adopting the "D1" philosophy. I also believe that it will work for most people.

If you wait until you are at the D1 level to call games that way, you will never make it to that level. I know that you have to be a "Roman in Rome" and I would neve encourage anyone to do differently for their own sake, but if you want to move up the ladder, you have to be willing to call it the way they like it. I know that as I read crew's comments, they definitely have a men's flavor to them (don't read this as a slam on women's basketball, the games are simply different and they are called differently), so this may not have as much application in the women's game, I don't know. I do know that the philosophies that crew espouses are accepted at the men's D1 level.
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