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Old Wed Feb 06, 2002, 03:05pm
JRutledge JRutledge is online now
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,538
Wink Are you ever going to act like an adult?

Originally posted by Peter Devana
Don't worry Rut I won't be commenting on yor posts again. I will simply read them and let the others do my talking from here on in.
Believe me, I would not lose sleep and will not lose sleep either way.

I have much better things to worry about then what you or others think about a stupid post. Heeelloooooooo, THIS IS A D.I.S.C.U.S.S.I.O.N. B.O.A.R.D., MAAANNNNN!!!!!

Cannot say I will do the same in return thought. If you say something that I feel I need to comment on, I will.

For those of us that live in America, we understand that disagreement is going to happen and you happen to disagree with me on this and many issues. But most agreed, and a few disagreed with this particular post. The whole point is to voice those issues and move on. And for someone that took anything I said personal, or tried to read into it because of what you THINK you know of me, than that just shows how petty you are. My partner's did not have a problem with anything I did, and WE did DISCUSS it afterwards. And both of them had children (I do not) and agreed with me that teenagers need to know their place.

If age did not matter, they would allow teenagers younger than 18 years old officiate HS games in my state. I guess that means 17 year olds get no respect. But I guess the State of Illinois and many other States do not respect legal minors? But in America we do have rules. Sorry they do not fit your IDEALS.

You have a great childhood.


[Edited by JRutledge on Feb 6th, 2002 at 02:22 PM]
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