Originally Posted by Dan_ref
btw (and I hope Tom is listening) this is a great time for the off official to give the coach the quick (.76 seconds is the record?) stop sign and announce that he needs to calm down, we'll take care of it.
As far as I'm concerned any response that is not close to "OK, thanks" earns a T.
I hear you Dan. My crusade is nearly over. Truth be told, it isn't so much the use of the stop sign as it is the robotic nature of thinking the stop sign is a must or a mandatory step before a coach gets a T.
To bring up something entirely different, there is a guy from the DC area that has a different take on this whole stop sign thing. He belongs to many leagues - I mean many - and is an evaluator for the NBA. He is not perfect as an official so these comments must be taken with a grain of salt. His take was a two-handed defensive or calm down approach is better than a big old stop sign. Just another possibility.