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Old Wed Jan 10, 2007, 01:03pm
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
If the Hawk, Andre Dawson, can't get elected, then McGwire should never get a sniff- steroids or not.
I agree that Dawson should be in, but you cannot leave McGwire out based on his numbers. 500 is the number. He made it. He gets in, unless you want to punish him for the steoid use. Everybody who gets to 500, regardless of whatever else they did or didn't accomplish in their careers, gets in. So you need a better reason to keep McGwire out than just that he was a one-trick pony. Based on his on-field performance, he's in.

I'm just hoping that they leave the Texas RoidBoy in Texas.
You're talking about Clemens? He's another one that you have to let in (300+ wins), unless you want to punish him for suspected steroid use. Based on his on-field performance, he's in.