Play #1 is a HTBT call. Was there an intentional act by F6 to trip or impede the runner? If so, then penalize the defense. Was the contact initiated by R2 in an attempt to draw an obstruction call? Can't allow that. Was the contact just carelessness and so close to the time of the put out that it had no effect on the play? Then a no call may be proper.
Play # 2, I've got obstruction on F2. Type A, BR to first.
Play #3, IMO to have an obstruction you need a couple of elements. A runner {1}must be making a legitimate attempt to advance toward a base(advancing or retreating), and{2} the defense must impede the runner's progress. A runner who has rounded a base and is just watching the defense field a ball, and who bumps a defensive player has probably not been obstructed if no play is being made on that runner, and the runner is not making a legitimate attempt to advance.
Others have disagreeed with me on this in the past.
Roger Greene