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Old Tue Jan 09, 2007, 03:06am
Dutch Alex Dutch Alex is offline
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Originally Posted by refnrev
Soccer is not be the easiest sport to officate and I would caution you to be very careful about trying to be a referee for a sport that you do not understand.
At last years world championships in Germany there was a ref. from GB who gave one player three yellow cards in one game before he even pulled his red card. That's the highest level to work as a referee, even those guys don't see everything and make big mistakes.
And don't forget referee Ivanov who needed 16 yellow cards and 4 reds in the game between the Netherlands and Portugal. He didn't feel/read the game...
Officiating (in general) is already a difficult job to perform well, don't do it if you don't understand the game. You make yourself look like a fool and worse can take out the love for their game by the (young) athletes...
Here in the Neth.'s it's unthinkable that a base- or softball umpire at national level work as a referee at the same level in soccer. We better do one thing good than two things half...

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