Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Especially for all new or inexperience officials, please ignore this idiotic statement. There is absolutley, positively no basis for this whatsoever!
Old School, you maybe the biggest  to ever post on this board.
And you the most arrogant, however, I have no problem giving a player a technical for not tucking in there shirt, after several warning of course. And you know what, after I do this, people start taking me
real serious in my games, and players start tucking in there shirts. The technical is Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Rule 10.3.7: This includes "
Deal with it, master
My point is this. Where does it end. The rule committee says this is a point of emphasis. So I give the players and the coach multiple warnings, send the players to the bench, but some players just refuse to obey this rule. I actually see them pull the shirt up, so that it's not tucked in. You have to take a side here. Either you are going to enforce it or you're going to let the players marginally get away with it. I personally am sick of telling players to tuck there shirts in. I'm sick of it at all levels. So now, I go technical foul and then there's no problems afterwards.