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Old Tue Feb 05, 2002, 10:03am
DrakeM DrakeM is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 411
"Lil Bobby got a gun now, age fifteen
Destined to spend his life inside a cage it seems
Rage inside, pride, been denied respect
He can't take it though he gotta earn it
But he ain't learned that yet."
-Afro Angel- by Will Smith from the Willenium album

I agree with Rut.
I have had 13, 14 , 15 year old kids tell me I have to repect them in a game, and I just laugh.
Earn my respect, I'll give it to you. No problem.
But what have you done in your 13 year old life to earn my respect? Do you have children, a job, struggle to put food on the table for those kids. And you want respect, just because you can shoot a basketball? Puhlease!!!!
Let me see how you react when a tough call goes against you. Let me see how you act when your coach takes you out of the game even thought you think you should still be in!
When I see you can handle those situations with maturity,(which by the way, many adults fail that test,)
I will gladly give you respect!
I know of an eighth grader who got mad at an official
who called a foul against him and proceeded to tell him
"I'm the best player out here!" Niiiiccce.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find out what it means to me!

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