Thread: Flag placement
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Old Fri Jan 05, 2007, 01:57pm
bbsbvb83 bbsbvb83 is offline
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Originally Posted by btdt
Was thinking of putting American flag on my new shirts and jackets. Anyone know the edict and placement? Association doesn’t seem to have a policy.
As a general rule, the union (stars with blue background) of your flag patch should be worn closest to your heart, if you choose to wear one. That being said, it is technically improper to wear a US flag patch on an umpire's shirt as it is a violation of the United States Flag Code. If you wear one anyway, the best place is probably on the front of your shirt, with the union closest to your sternum. It is also okay to wear it on one shirt sleve, a couple of inches from the shoulder seam. If you chose to do this, make sure the union is pointing forward. The picture of the umpire with the black ball bag demonstrates how not to wear a flag patch. (You may have to do a little searching for the proper patch if you want to wear it on your right sleve.) The patch should NEVER be worn on the back of the shirt. (I was very disappointed with the MLB's patch placement following 9-11.) When in doubt as to proper flag display, contact a representative of your local VFW or American Legion.