Thread: Boise State
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Old Fri Jan 05, 2007, 12:07am
JasonTX JasonTX is offline
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I did some further study of the motion by the QB and from that angle of the video at full speed it does "appear" that he's moving forward. The problem is the camera is behind the play so it's diffult to tell exactly how much he really was moving forward. You would only be able to tell that if you were on the same yardline as the QB or if you look at the yardlines. I looked at each frame to determine the distance if any that he was moving forward. During my study I froze each frame starting at the hash mark (inbound lines) and if you notice his right foot is at the 8 1/2 yard line. As he continues his motion out to the 9 yard mark and when the snapper first starts his snap I froze the frame again and his right foot was still at the 8 1/2 yard line. His left foot is slightly forward by maybe a 1/2 yard. What makes this look bigger than what it really is was because he turned his body parallel to the LOS and put his left foot forward. Maybe if he would have taken a full step forward this would be called but I just don't see flagging him when he is still at the 8 1/2 yard line. It's going to have to be much more drastic than that. I suggest everyone to do the same as I did.
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