Thread: Boise State
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Old Thu Jan 04, 2007, 08:20pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally Posted by TXMike
The black and white philosophy some of you want to adopt may work at the HS level and below. It does not work at higher levels. You can choose to disagree but once you get to that level, you will either adjust your thinking or move on.
So when you choose to apply a black and white philosophy, as in the illegal shift, it's okay.

But when someone else offers a black and white philosophy in another situation, then suddenly they have a lot to learn and may not be capable of working at the next level?

Pot meet kettle, kettle, pot.

I'm not saying there was or wasn't a foul on the BSU OT TD. I wasn't standing on the field, and didn't even get a real good look on TV. What I am saying is that you can selectively say that one foul at the snap should always be called while a similiar foul at the snap can be ignored.

If such BS is true, could someone please write a book and explain all these calls that have to be called versus those that might be called and finally those that shouldn't be called? Then, all officials can get on the same page and perhaps we can stop a lot of the criticism officials get for being inconsistent!
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Last edited by BktBallRef; Thu Jan 04, 2007 at 08:26pm.
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