Thread: Boise State
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Old Thu Jan 04, 2007, 06:40pm
ChickenOfNC ChickenOfNC is offline
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Originally Posted by TXMike
I ask all of you who are saying the flag should have been tossed on the BSU play to just tell me what advantage BSU got or what disadvantage OU was put at due to the QB's motion.

In the case of an illegal shift, defenses have to be given time to adjust after a shift. That was put in the rule book years ago when coaches were using shifts to put defenses at big disadvantages. After the change requiring all be motionless for a second, defense had time to react during and after the shift to get better positioned to deal with what was coming. We do not know what adjustments the defense might have made during and following the illegal shift had then been given sufficient time, hence the flag.

Mike, I hate to keep coming back to this, but we do not judge advantage/ disadvantage on these types of fouls. The technical rules of football regarding shifts/motions/formations etc., must be adhered to in order to protect the integrity and legitimicy of the game. I can think of a thousand instances where a miniscule false start happens, and we call it every time. But most of those occasions, the offense doesn't gain an advantage. Heck, more than not, they are disadvantaged, because the offense guard or tackle gets out of position, etc.

Judgment of advantage/disadvantage on holds, block in the back, pass interference = yes absolutely. Judgment of illegal shift/motion/false start/formation = absolutely not.
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