Thread: Eyepoke
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Old Thu Jan 04, 2007, 03:19pm
armymanjones armymanjones is offline
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Originally Posted by tomegun

Instead of having your head stuck in the rule book (it is important) you should use some common sense (since for Old School). You are not always going to follow step 1, step 2, etc. For instance if a player goes down hard and hits their head, I'm waiving the coach in instantly as I'm blowing the whistle. Sure that is totally on the other end of the spectrum from JR's last post, but that is life in officiating. The rulebook is the guideline, but sometimes common sense must prevail and we should do what is right for the game. Don't get so caught up in trying to apply every rule word by word to every situation.
TG I'm not going to get personal and say you don't use common sense and that maybe you should get your head into the rule book more. I am just stating the rule. Officiating is a lot of common sense. The rules are the rules and we are there to enforce the rules. I understand what JR was saying but thank you for the lecture. I have been doing this for a while at the V level and I continue to learn even after 18yrs. I know of no one who follows every rule to the letter but it is there in the case book.