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Old Mon Feb 04, 2002, 11:08pm
112448 112448 is offline
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Posts: 101
I think Rut is correct in his assertation that the level of sportsmanship has decreased in the world, BUT I also think that officials walking around, acting like the world OWES them respect just because they have the whistle is a HUGE part of the problem.

Do bad cops deserve to be respected? What about business leaders who shread documents and lie to shareholders? What about coaches who "look the other way" when one of their players has been arrested for drunk driving? What about the parent who lets his/her kid walk all over them? Are we to respect all those people just because they are Older, Successful, and in positions of authority? Heck no.

I can't remember who, but someone in an earlier post to this thread hit the nail right on the head.

You have to GIVE respect in order to get respect. If the players sense that you are arrogant and not friendly and not approachable in your pregame, how in the world can you expect them to RESPECT you. There's a lot to be said for showing respect to everyone in the world. Whether they call you Mr. Rutledge or Mr. Ref or Sir or if they can sense you're approachable and feel like they can ask you a question, but they come up to you and say "Hey ref i have a question for you", it doesn't matter because THEY ARE SHOWING YOU RESPECT by approaching you because they know you'll be responsive.

If on the other hand, they sense you're stand-offish, then how do you think they're going to act towards you?

JRut - i usually agree with your officiating philosophies and your rule interpretations, but by you acting like players owe you respect just b/c you're the boss man you are making it harder for everyone else who tries to utilize the "good eggs" to help keep the "bad apples" from ruining the entire game.

Off my soap box,
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