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Old Thu Jan 04, 2007, 12:38am
Dave Hensley Dave Hensley is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 768
1. No basis for changing the call. If a coach wants to argue, let him tell you what he saw and then you can respond, but the response is essentially "that's not how I saw it, Skip. Let's go."

2. If he is "coming close" to not stopping, then he's balking. He must come to a complete, discernible stop. If you're asking youself if he did, then he didn't. Now, while I personally don't do this, I don't object to the suggestion of doing some preventative umpiring and perhaps sending F2 out to tell him he's balking and he needs to come to a good stop in set, or the ump is gonna balk him. This should be done early in the game, not in the bottom of the 7th with the game-winning run on 3B. Personally, I just call the balk(s).
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