Hey all,
Dan, let me 'splain something to you.....
1. I am a UIC for our local LL, which leads to #2.
2. The reason he doesn't care which of the three colors you use is because he is trying to make sure their are enough umpires for the games. If he said you could only wear grey shirts, then he would lose umpires who don't want to come out of their own pocket to buy something.
3. GROW THE F#CK UP! Some of these umpires have been doing it for longer than you have been alive.
4. You look nothing like a professional umpire. As said MANY times before, LOSE THE WRISTBANDS, cut the straps on your mask, match your colors of ball bags and shirts and hats. I didn't notice on the video so I won't even go into the appropriate color of undershirt for each shirt.
5. Learn the difference between an umpire who does LL, and a LL umpire.
6. You ask this group for comments, you will get, for the most part, correct comments.