Thread: Eyepoke
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Old Wed Jan 03, 2007, 11:33pm
Old School Old School is offline
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Originally Posted by deecee
In basketball when I have seen this once or twice I might NOT actually see the finger go in the eye but I call the fould be it half a second or second late because most (and by most I mean 99.9%) are not going to fake a poke in the eye when they are being guarded because basketball players are not taught to act while they have the ball -- its after they lose it or get a foul called. but as long as they have possession you wont hear much from him -- wait till he gets blocked or ripped of the rock then you might hear some crying and excuses and bs.

But the ball in a players hand is like truth syrum players act and respond to what actually happens at the time not what they hope had happened to save their azz
I think there's a little BS in that serum you're trying to feed us. Remember, this is competition, not a spelling test. If I can get my opponent in foul trouble, I'm going to try, and I know it's taught somewhere. I personally have seen it in the men's game. I have seen players flop, after shooting the ball in order to try and sale that they got hit in the face. Please don't tell me that players won't try and flop to sale a foul call when they got the ball. If my opponent who happens to be a star player or a very good player is in foul trouble and he is guarding me, and takes a swipe at me across my face as I try and maneuver. I grab my face, oh, he just hit me, oh, oh, oh, while still holding the ball. Maybe they don't do that in the games you ref but that's not consistent across the board. Keep reffing, you will be amazed at what you will see over time.

Also, because of your inputs here. Coaches will read this and learn that most of you, will succumb to this tactic because of exactly what you just said Deecee. Because in this one instance, you stepped out of reality and what's real and venture into the unknown, what I thought just happen. Not a good place to go as an official. I was told never to guess. If I'm not sure, I'm not putting air in the whistle. I will however, portect the player.