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Old Wed Jan 03, 2007, 06:43pm
mattmets mattmets is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 476
Looking to older guys for help

As I'm sitting here trying to come up with my goals for this year, I'm looking back at situations I came across this year and I was wondering if you guys had any advice for me.

1) 13-15 game, I'm working by myself as partner didn't show. 2nd inning, slow roller to third. 3B picks it up, fires to first, gets the runner by a half-step to a step. My eyes see it, but for some reason my head says safe. Somehow, I don't catch hell from any players, coaches, or parents. As soon as my arms went up, I was ready, because I knew I had kicked it. Had the defensive coach said something, I don't think I could have changed the call. The call stood, and the defensive team ended up getting killed, so it didn't impact the game. Had the coach come out to talk to me, could I have changed the call? I don't think I could have, because they would have eaten me alive after that, and I don't know if I could have dealt with the $h!tshow from the offensive coach I changed the call on.

2) 13-15 game, I'm BU. Home team has been one of those pain in the *** teams the entire game, whining about balls and strikes, rolling eyes, and on top of that they're not very good. Their pitcher has been close to balking the entire game, as he's not coming to a complete stop, kind of drawing a "u" with his hands while coming "set". I'm trying to find it obviously so I can balk him to try to teach him what he's doing wrong. Finally, in the 5th inning, visitors have a runner on, and he's bouncing around off the bag. Behind the plate, the catcher yells to the pitcher, "As soon as you get the ball, throw it!" Next pitch, pitcher does the same thing- doesn't come completely set, I balk him. Not so much for the not setting, but because the catcher was dumb enough to call my attention to it. I explained to him that he needs to stop before pitching, and he seemed to get it when I told him. Should I have done what I did, or told my partner about it and tried to call a quick pitch? Or am I completely off base here?

Thanks guys- I appreciate constructive criticism as I'm in my 4th full year of what will hopefully end up as a professional gig.
Throwing people out of a game is like riding a bike- once you get the hang of it, it can be a lot of fun.- Ron Luciano
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