Originally Posted by wardtc
1) I resolve to get in shape - preseason!
2) I resolve to check and replace my gear - preseason
3) I resolve to study one law each week and to think about the possible scenario's that the law may pertain to - just to be ready when they do happen
4) I resolve to listen to the coaches - not to hear their complaints, but to hear their concerns
5) I resolve to do a real pregame conference with my AR's - every game
6) I resolve to keep up with play
7) I resolve to see my AR's more
8) I resolve to remember....that I'm there for the players
We accept these.
Will your status reports be weekly or monthly?
I'll make some of them - 1,2,5 (with partners). Already do 4 (not always), 6 (almost always), 8. Instead of all of 3, any rule that becomes a forum issue.