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Old Mon Feb 04, 2002, 02:57pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Re: Sad, sad day.


I did not give a T, I did not have to. And the problem was solved. If I was picking on the kid, I think he would have not been in the game. I tried to use the moment to teach the kid something without resorting to drastic measures. I told the coach and he handled it.

I am making a larger statement or asking a larger question. I obviously handled the situation, because there was no further incident. I was not asking for help, I just wanted to know if the kids in this country have lost their mind and are the adults letting them do it? I grew up in an era where you did not even think of saying the wrong thing to adults or you would have to feel the wrath of your parents or the coach. As a matter of fact, I was pulled out of games and so were my teammates if we even tried to question an official in any way. There was no adults to back my behavior up, along with my peers.

Obviously I am not talking about a situation I cannot move on from, I was trying to get an intelligent debate or discussion about the state of young people as it relates to the way they deal with adults. Referee Magazine did have a article recently about the lack of sportsmanship of players and coaches. And sense this is suppose to be the extention of the classroom, I wonder how many teachers or principals allow their kids to talk to me Mr. Official they way the would talk to them and not be in detention or be suspended? And since we are authority figures I thought that other intelligent people here would see the point. I guess I was wrong again.

Peace [/B][/QUOTE]Rut,I think you explained exactly where you're coming from a heckuva lot better in the above,than in your original post.You're certainly not the only one with these concerns.To be honest,I really don't know what the answer is,though.Most of the kids we deal with are great kids,but if their parents,coaches,school administrators,etc. don't or won't deal with their behavior,it makes our job that much harder to do.We have to keep trying,though.The bottom line is that we have to hope that these kids will change,and maybe we can be a small part of that change.Keep on truckin'!
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