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Old Mon Feb 04, 2002, 02:44pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Wink Really?

Originally posted by zebraman
Well, so you let a player talk to you any kind of way?

If you read my original post, you'll say that I say to deal with it and move on. If I have to give a kid a T, I do so and then we get on with the game. I will continue to treat the kid with respect once it's dealt with.

Are you not in authority?

Yes, and people in authority are generally looked to with more respect than those who think they are better than others.

And if all that is the case, do you talk to your boss or the people that you work for the same as the people you work
with. Please tell me you do so I can laugh. Because the guy or gal in charge is always treated with a certain level of
respect, or you do not work there.

Laugh all you want, but the answer is yes. I treat my co-workers with the same respect that I do my boss. Brown-nosing not needed when you respect everyone.

What century do you live in where the amount of respect you give people depends upon their age and you're too good to do girls basketball? You give referees (and adults and men) a bad name. Amazing.

Well that is why we have kids, these priviledged *** kids shooting up schools, killing parents and the killing teachers because we have been giving respect to all ages. I guess we are not suppose to repremand children, especially with the fact that parents and teachers are held legally responsible for the actions of minors. They are called minors for a reason ya know.

And for your boss. I guarantee you are not cursing them out about decisions that they make. If you are what century do you live in? There is always someone that judgement need to be questioned. Especially if you want to play a game, or have a job.

I think you give the human race a bad name for even saying that stupid comment.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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