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Old Mon Feb 04, 2002, 12:40pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally posted by kchamp
Situation: Starting pitcher has pitched to 2 batters with a wristband of school colors on her pitching arm. Before the first pitch to the 3rd batter, the batter complains about the wristband being a distraction. Here's the question: If the offense complains of a distraction, does it become manditory for the umpire to have the wristband removed, or is it left to the judgment of the umpire if it is indead a distraction or not?

Thanks guys
Since no one has mentioned this yet, I thought I'd point out that this is a rule change in ASA for 2002.

In 2001, it was "manditory" for the umpire to have the wristband removed if the offense complained. The 2001 rule read:

The pitcher shall not wear tape on the fingers, a sweatband, bracelet, or similar type item on the wrist or forearm of the pitching arm. ASA 6-6 (Fast pitch).

The effect was illegal pitch.

For 2002, it is umpire judgment as to whether the item is distracting. The 2002 rule reads:

A pitcher shall not wear any item on the pitching hand, wrist, forearm, elbow or thighs, which may, in the umpire's judgment, be distracting to the batter.

In the comments section on the rule change, ASA explains that the reason for the change is to allow flesh-colored band-aids or ace bandages in the case of injuries. It was not to allow team colored sweat bands or other such items.

Still, it is umpire's judgment. Personally, I would probably ask the pitcher to remove a team-colored or white item unless I was convinced it was NOT distracting (i.e. I'd give the benefit of the doubt to the offense).

Off the subject PS to Kent: this board has an "edit" feature that allows you to correct typos in your posts. I should know - I use it often enough!

[Edited by Dakota on Feb 4th, 2002 at 11:43 AM]
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